In this matchup I love going Boneplating, because u can look for those E>W> AA trades whenever ur boneplating is up and u would win it most of the times in the early lane phase. Careful for his R hitbox since its really bs, just E out if he ults or u will get hit by it and auto lose unless u 100% know u can dodge it by walking. Can go Seekers if u still struggle in the matchup early game. Always go Bork vs Yone for the strong autoattacks and all ins. E>W him and AA AA and E out is what u mostly wanna do to trade a yone. Go sword 1st always and try to look for trades when his Q empower isn't up or close to up (hit q 1x) OR u E in behind when he Q's in with his wind. Katawina52 says “This matchup is Hard once he gets some attack speed and is medium in the early phase, But even if hes 0-3 he will win trades which makes it a hard champ anyway.
Don't forget! His effective range with a full combo (E+Q2+R) Is way farther than it seems (Almost the entire lane!) so be careful of that.” Also, his R is only slightly less predictable than his Q2 is, if you've done the matchup enough you can read this ability like a pop-up book and either play behind its range or step left/right to avoid it.

Speaking of which, his E is on a very long cooldown so just learn to dodge (take early tier 2s if you're struggling) and run him down if he fucks up. If you wall behind him after he dashes then Q him, it's pretty much a free kill provided you're running ignite and he wasn't using his E. He has to land 2qs then he starts glowing and will probably start walking towards you. IK this is a 4head moment but it's very projected.

This fight is all about positioning and if you're new to Anivia this threat level might be very confusing but I'll try to explain. ThePieBeam says “Yasuo's scary older brother is, ironically, much easier to fight.